Source code for searx.engines.xpath

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""The XPath engine is a *generic* engine with which it is possible to configure
engines in the settings.

.. _XPath selector:



- :py:obj:`search_url`
- :py:obj:`lang_all`
- :py:obj:`soft_max_redirects`
- :py:obj:`method`
- :py:obj:`request_body`
- :py:obj:`cookies`
- :py:obj:`headers`


- :py:obj:`paging`
- :py:obj:`page_size`
- :py:obj:`first_page_num`

Time Range:

- :py:obj:`time_range_support`
- :py:obj:`time_range_url`
- :py:obj:`time_range_map`


- :py:obj:`safe_search_support`
- :py:obj:`safe_search_map`


- :py:obj:`no_result_for_http_status`

`XPath selector`_:

- :py:obj:`results_xpath`
- :py:obj:`url_xpath`
- :py:obj:`title_xpath`
- :py:obj:`content_xpath`
- :py:obj:`thumbnail_xpath`
- :py:obj:`suggestion_xpath`


Here is a simple example of a XPath engine configured in the :ref:`settings
engines` section, further read :ref:`engines-dev`.

.. code:: yaml

  - name : bitbucket
    engine : xpath
    paging : True
    search_url :{pageno}?name={query}
    url_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]/@href
    title_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]
    content_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]/p



from urllib.parse import urlencode

from lxml import html
from searx.utils import extract_text, extract_url, eval_xpath, eval_xpath_list
from import raise_for_httperror
from searx.result_types import EngineResults

search_url = None
Search URL of the engine.  Example::{query}&page={pageno}{time_range}{safe_search}

Replacements are:

  Search terms from user.

  Page number if engine supports paging :py:obj:`paging`

  ISO 639-1 language code (en, de, fr ..)

  :py:obj:`URL parameter <time_range_url>` if engine :py:obj:`supports time
  range <time_range_support>`.  The value for the parameter is taken from

  Safe-search :py:obj:`URL parameter <safe_search_map>` if engine
  :py:obj:`supports safe-search <safe_search_support>`.  The ``{safe_search}``
  replacement is taken from the :py:obj:`safes_search_map`.  Filter results::

      0: none, 1: moderate, 2:strict

  If not supported, the URL parameter is an empty string.


lang_all = 'en'
'''Replacement ``{lang}`` in :py:obj:`search_url` if language ``all`` is

no_result_for_http_status = []
'''Return empty result for these HTTP status codes instead of throwing an error.

.. code:: yaml

    no_result_for_http_status: []

soft_max_redirects = 0
'''Maximum redirects, soft limit. Record an error but don't stop the engine'''

results_xpath = ''
'''`XPath selector`_ for the list of result items'''

url_xpath = None
'''`XPath selector`_ of result's ``url``.'''

content_xpath = None
'''`XPath selector`_ of result's ``content``.'''

title_xpath = None
'''`XPath selector`_ of result's ``title``.'''

thumbnail_xpath = False
'''`XPath selector`_ of result's ``thumbnail``.'''

suggestion_xpath = ''
'''`XPath selector`_ of result's ``suggestion``.'''

cached_xpath = ''
cached_url = ''

cookies = {}
'''Some engines might offer different result based on cookies.
Possible use-case: To set safesearch cookie.'''

headers = {}
'''Some engines might offer different result based headers.  Possible use-case:
To set header to moderate.'''

method = 'GET'
'''Some engines might require to do POST requests for search.'''

request_body = ''
'''The body of the request.  This can only be used if different :py:obj:`method`
is set, e.g. ``POST``.  For formatting see the documentation of :py:obj:`search_url`::


paging = False
'''Engine supports paging [True or False].'''

page_size = 1
'''Number of results on each page.  Only needed if the site requires not a page
number, but an offset.'''

first_page_num = 1
'''Number of the first page (usually 0 or 1).'''

time_range_support = False
'''Engine supports search time range.'''

time_range_url = '&hours={time_range_val}'
'''Time range URL parameter in the in :py:obj:`search_url`.  If no time range is
requested by the user, the URL parameter is an empty string.  The
``{time_range_val}`` replacement is taken from the :py:obj:`time_range_map`.

.. code:: yaml

    time_range_url : '&days={time_range_val}'

time_range_map = {
    'day': 24,
    'week': 24 * 7,
    'month': 24 * 30,
    'year': 24 * 365,
'''Maps time range value from user to ``{time_range_val}`` in

.. code:: yaml

      day: 1
      week: 7
      month: 30
      year: 365

safe_search_support = False
'''Engine supports safe-search.'''

safe_search_map = {0: '&filter=none', 1: '&filter=moderate', 2: '&filter=strict'}
'''Maps safe-search value to ``{safe_search}`` in :py:obj:`search_url`.

.. code:: yaml

    safesearch: true
      0: '&filter=none'
      1: '&filter=moderate'
      2: '&filter=strict'


[docs] def request(query, params): '''Build request parameters (see :ref:`engine request`).''' lang = lang_all if params['language'] != 'all': lang = params['language'][:2] time_range = '' if params.get('time_range'): time_range_val = time_range_map.get(params.get('time_range')) time_range = time_range_url.format(time_range_val=time_range_val) safe_search = '' if params['safesearch']: safe_search = safe_search_map[params['safesearch']] fargs = { 'query': urlencode({'q': query})[2:], 'lang': lang, 'pageno': (params['pageno'] - 1) * page_size + first_page_num, 'time_range': time_range, 'safe_search': safe_search, } params['cookies'].update(cookies) params['headers'].update(headers) params['url'] = search_url.format(**fargs) params['method'] = method if request_body: # don't url-encode the query if it's in the request body fargs['query'] = query params['data'] = request_body.format(**fargs) params['soft_max_redirects'] = soft_max_redirects params['raise_for_httperror'] = False return params
[docs] def response(resp) -> EngineResults: # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """Scrap *results* from the response (see :ref:`result types`).""" results = EngineResults() if no_result_for_http_status and resp.status_code in no_result_for_http_status: return results raise_for_httperror(resp) if not resp.text: return results dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) is_onion = 'onions' in categories if results_xpath: for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, results_xpath): url = extract_url(eval_xpath_list(result, url_xpath, min_len=1), search_url) title = extract_text(eval_xpath_list(result, title_xpath, min_len=1)) content = extract_text(eval_xpath_list(result, content_xpath)) tmp_result = {'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content} # add thumbnail if available if thumbnail_xpath: thumbnail_xpath_result = eval_xpath_list(result, thumbnail_xpath) if len(thumbnail_xpath_result) > 0: tmp_result['thumbnail'] = extract_url(thumbnail_xpath_result, search_url) # add alternative cached url if available if cached_xpath: tmp_result['cached_url'] = cached_url + extract_text(eval_xpath_list(result, cached_xpath, min_len=1)) if is_onion: tmp_result['is_onion'] = True results.append(tmp_result) else: if cached_xpath: for url, title, content, cached in zip( (extract_url(x, search_url) for x in eval_xpath_list(dom, url_xpath)), map(extract_text, eval_xpath_list(dom, title_xpath)), map(extract_text, eval_xpath_list(dom, content_xpath)), map(extract_text, eval_xpath_list(dom, cached_xpath)), ): results.append( { 'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content, 'cached_url': cached_url + cached, 'is_onion': is_onion, } ) else: for url, title, content in zip( (extract_url(x, search_url) for x in eval_xpath_list(dom, url_xpath)), map(extract_text, eval_xpath_list(dom, title_xpath)), map(extract_text, eval_xpath_list(dom, content_xpath)), ): results.append({'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content, 'is_onion': is_onion}) if suggestion_xpath: for suggestion in eval_xpath(dom, suggestion_xpath): results.append({'suggestion': extract_text(suggestion)}) logger.debug("found %s results", len(results)) return results