Source code for searx.favicons.cache

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Implementations for caching favicons.

  Configuration of the favicon cache

  Abstract base class for the implementation of a favicon cache.

  Favicon cache that manages the favicon BLOBs in a SQLite DB.

  Fallback solution if the configured cache cannot be used for system reasons.



from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Literal

import abc
import dataclasses
import hashlib
import logging
import pathlib
import sqlite3
import tempfile
import time
import typer

from pydantic import BaseModel

from searx import sqlitedb
from searx import logger
from searx.utils import humanize_bytes, humanize_number

CACHE: "FaviconCache"

logger = logger.getChild('favicons.cache')
app = typer.Typer()

[docs] @app.command() def state(): """show state of the cache""" print(CACHE.state().report())
[docs] @app.command() def maintenance(force: bool = True, debug: bool = False): """perform maintenance of the cache""" root_log = logging.getLogger() if debug: root_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: root_log.handlers = [] handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s")) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) state_t0 = CACHE.state() CACHE.maintenance(force=force) state_t1 = CACHE.state() state_delta = state_t0 - state_t1 print("The cache has been reduced by:") print("\n- {descr}: {val}").lstrip("\n"))
[docs] def init(cfg: "FaviconCacheConfig"): """Initialization of a global ``CACHE``""" global CACHE # pylint: disable=global-statement if cfg.db_type == "sqlite": if sqlite3.sqlite_version_info <= (3, 35): logger.critical( "Disable favicon caching completely: SQLite library (%s) is too old! (require >= 3.35)", sqlite3.sqlite_version, ) CACHE = FaviconCacheNull(cfg) else: CACHE = FaviconCacheSQLite(cfg) elif cfg.db_type == "mem": logger.error("Favicons are cached in memory, don't use this in production!") CACHE = FaviconCacheMEM(cfg) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"favicons db_type '{cfg.db_type}' is unknown")
[docs] class FaviconCacheConfig(BaseModel): """Configuration of the favicon cache.""" db_type: Literal["sqlite", "mem"] = "sqlite" """Type of the database: ``sqlite``: :py:obj:`.cache.FaviconCacheSQLite` ``mem``: :py:obj:`.cache.FaviconCacheMEM` (not recommended) """ db_url: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "faviconcache.db" """URL of the SQLite DB, the path to the database file.""" HOLD_TIME: int = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 # 30 days """Hold time (default in sec.), after which a BLOB is removed from the cache.""" LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES: int = 1024 * 1024 * 50 # 50 MB """Maximum of bytes (default) stored in the cache of all blobs. Note: The limit is only reached at each maintenance interval after which the oldest BLOBs are deleted; the limit is exceeded during the maintenance period. If the maintenance period is *too long* or maintenance is switched off completely, the cache grows uncontrollably.""" BLOB_MAX_BYTES: int = 1024 * 20 # 20 KB """The maximum BLOB size in bytes that a favicon may have so that it can be saved in the cache. If the favicon is larger, it is not saved in the cache and must be requested by the client via the proxy.""" MAINTENANCE_PERIOD: int = 60 * 60 """Maintenance period in seconds / when :py:obj:`MAINTENANCE_MODE` is set to ``auto``.""" MAINTENANCE_MODE: Literal["auto", "off"] = "auto" """Type of maintenance mode ``auto``: Maintenance is carried out automatically as part of the maintenance intervals (:py:obj:`MAINTENANCE_PERIOD`); no external process is required. ``off``: Maintenance is switched off and must be carried out by an external process if required. """
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class FaviconCacheStats: """Dataclass wich provides information on the status of the cache.""" favicons: int | None = None bytes: int | None = None domains: int | None = None resolvers: int | None = None field_descr = ( ("favicons", "number of favicons in cache", humanize_number), ("bytes", "total size (approx. bytes) of cache", humanize_bytes), ("domains", "total number of domains in cache", humanize_number), ("resolvers", "number of resolvers", str), ) def __sub__(self, other) -> FaviconCacheStats: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError(f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{self.__class__}' and '{type(other)}'") kwargs = {} for field, _, _ in self.field_descr: self_val, other_val = getattr(self, field), getattr(other, field) if None in (self_val, other_val): continue if isinstance(self_val, int): kwargs[field] = self_val - other_val else: kwargs[field] = self_val return self.__class__(**kwargs) def report(self, fmt: str = "{descr}: {val}\n"): s = [] for field, descr, cast in self.field_descr: val = getattr(self, field) if val is None: val = "--" else: val = cast(val) s.append(fmt.format(descr=descr, val=val)) return "".join(s)
[docs] class FaviconCache(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for the implementation of a favicon cache.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, cfg: FaviconCacheConfig): """An instance of the favicon cache is build up from the configuration.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[None | bytes, None | str]: """Returns ``None`` or the tuple of ``(data, mime)`` that has been registered in the cache. The ``None`` indicates that there was no entry in the cache."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool: """Set data and mime-type in the cache. If data is None, the :py:obj:`FALLBACK_ICON` is registered. in the cache."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def state(self) -> FaviconCacheStats: """Returns a :py:obj:`FaviconCacheStats` (key/values) with information on the state of the cache."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def maintenance(self, force=False): """Performs maintenance on the cache"""
[docs] class FaviconCacheNull(FaviconCache): """A dummy favicon cache that caches nothing / a fallback solution. The NullCache is used when more efficient caches such as the :py:obj:`FaviconCacheSQLite` cannot be used because, for example, the SQLite library is only available in an old version and does not meet the requirements.""" def __init__(self, cfg: FaviconCacheConfig): return None def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[None | bytes, None | str]: return None
[docs] def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool: return False
[docs] def state(self): return FaviconCacheStats(favicons=0)
[docs] def maintenance(self, force=False): pass
[docs] class FaviconCacheSQLite(sqlitedb.SQLiteAppl, FaviconCache): """Favicon cache that manages the favicon BLOBs in a SQLite DB. The DB model in the SQLite DB is implemented using the abstract class :py:obj:`sqlitedb.SQLiteAppl`. The following configurations are required / supported: - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.db_url` - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.HOLD_TIME` - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES` - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.BLOB_MAX_BYTES` - :py:obj:`MAINTENANCE_PERIOD` - :py:obj:`MAINTENANCE_MODE` """ DB_SCHEMA = 1 DDL_BLOBS = """\ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blobs ( sha256 TEXT, bytes_c INTEGER, mime TEXT NOT NULL, data BLOB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sha256))""" """Table to store BLOB objects by their sha256 hash values.""" DDL_BLOB_MAP = """\ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blob_map ( m_time INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')), -- last modified (unix epoch) time in sec. sha256 TEXT, resolver TEXT, authority TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (resolver, authority))""" """Table to map from (resolver, authority) to sha256 hash values.""" DDL_CREATE_TABLES = { "blobs": DDL_BLOBS, "blob_map": DDL_BLOB_MAP, } SQL_DROP_LEFTOVER_BLOBS = ( "DELETE FROM blobs WHERE sha256 IN (" " SELECT b.sha256" " FROM blobs b" " LEFT JOIN blob_map bm" " ON b.sha256 = bm.sha256" " WHERE bm.sha256 IS NULL)" ) """Delete blobs.sha256 (BLOBs) no longer in blob_map.sha256.""" SQL_ITER_BLOBS_SHA256_BYTES_C = ( "SELECT b.sha256, b.bytes_c FROM blobs b" " JOIN blob_map bm " " ON b.sha256 = bm.sha256" " ORDER BY bm.m_time ASC" ) SQL_INSERT_BLOBS = ( "INSERT INTO blobs (sha256, bytes_c, mime, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" " ON CONFLICT (sha256) DO NOTHING" ) # fmt: skip SQL_INSERT_BLOB_MAP = ( "INSERT INTO blob_map (sha256, resolver, authority) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" " ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE " " SET sha256=excluded.sha256, m_time=strftime('%s', 'now')" ) def __init__(self, cfg: FaviconCacheConfig): """An instance of the favicon cache is build up from the configuration.""" # if cfg.db_url == ":memory:": logger.critical("don't use SQLite DB in :memory: in production!!") super().__init__(cfg.db_url) self.cfg = cfg def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[None | bytes, None | str]: sql = "SELECT sha256 FROM blob_map WHERE resolver = ? AND authority = ?" res = self.DB.execute(sql, (resolver, authority)).fetchone() if res is None: return None data, mime = (None, None) sha256 = res[0] if sha256 == FALLBACK_ICON: return data, mime sql = "SELECT data, mime FROM blobs WHERE sha256 = ?" res = self.DB.execute(sql, (sha256,)).fetchone() if res is not None: data, mime = res return data, mime
[docs] def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool: if self.cfg.MAINTENANCE_MODE == "auto" and int(time.time()) > self.next_maintenance_time: # Should automatic maintenance be moved to a new thread? self.maintenance() if data is not None and mime is None: logger.error( "favicon resolver %s tries to cache mime-type None for authority %s", resolver, authority, ) return False bytes_c = len(data or b"") if bytes_c > self.cfg.BLOB_MAX_BYTES: "favicon of resolver: %s / authority: %s to big to cache (bytes: %s) " % (resolver, authority, bytes_c) ) return False if data is None: sha256 = FALLBACK_ICON else: sha256 = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() with self.connect() as conn: if sha256 != FALLBACK_ICON: conn.execute(self.SQL_INSERT_BLOBS, (sha256, bytes_c, mime, data)) conn.execute(self.SQL_INSERT_BLOB_MAP, (sha256, resolver, authority)) return True
@property def next_maintenance_time(self) -> int: """Returns (unix epoch) time of the next maintenance.""" return self.cfg.MAINTENANCE_PERIOD +"LAST_MAINTENANCE")
[docs] def maintenance(self, force=False): # Prevent parallel DB maintenance cycles from other DB connections # (e.g. in multi thread or process environments). if not force and int(time.time()) < self.next_maintenance_time: logger.debug("no maintenance required yet, next maintenance interval is in the future") return"LAST_MAINTENANCE", "") # hint: this (also) sets the m_time of the property! # do maintenance tasks with self.connect() as conn: # drop items not in HOLD time res = conn.execute( f"DELETE FROM blob_map" f" WHERE cast(m_time as integer) < cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as integer) - {self.cfg.HOLD_TIME}" ) logger.debug("dropped %s obsolete blob_map items from db", res.rowcount) res = conn.execute(self.SQL_DROP_LEFTOVER_BLOBS) logger.debug("dropped %s obsolete BLOBS from db", res.rowcount) # drop old items to be in LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES total_bytes = conn.execute("SELECT SUM(bytes_c) FROM blobs").fetchone()[0] or 0 if total_bytes > self.cfg.LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES: x = total_bytes - self.cfg.LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES c = 0 sha_list = [] for row in conn.execute(self.SQL_ITER_BLOBS_SHA256_BYTES_C): sha256, bytes_c = row sha_list.append(sha256) c += bytes_c if c > x: break if sha_list: conn.execute("DELETE FROM blobs WHERE sha256 IN ('%s')" % "','".join(sha_list)) conn.execute("DELETE FROM blob_map WHERE sha256 IN ('%s')" % "','".join(sha_list)) logger.debug("dropped %s blobs with total size of %s bytes", len(sha_list), c)
def _query_val(self, sql, default=None): val = self.DB.execute(sql).fetchone() if val is not None: val = val[0] if val is None: val = default return val
[docs] def state(self) -> FaviconCacheStats: return FaviconCacheStats( favicons=self._query_val("SELECT count(*) FROM blobs", 0), bytes=self._query_val("SELECT SUM(bytes_c) FROM blobs", 0), domains=self._query_val("SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT authority FROM blob_map GROUP BY authority)", 0), resolvers=self._query_val("SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT resolver FROM blob_map GROUP BY resolver)", 0), )
[docs] class FaviconCacheMEM(FaviconCache): """Favicon cache in process' memory. Its just a POC that stores the favicons in the memory of the process. .. attention:: Don't use it in production, it will blow up your memory!! """ def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg self._data = {} self._sha_mime = {} def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[bytes | None, str | None]: sha, mime = self._sha_mime.get(f"{resolver}:{authority}", (None, None)) if sha is None: return None data = self._data.get(sha) if data == FALLBACK_ICON: data = None return data, mime
[docs] def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool: if data is None: data = FALLBACK_ICON mime = None elif mime is None: logger.error( "favicon resolver %s tries to cache mime-type None for authority %s", resolver, authority, ) return False digest = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() self._data[digest] = data self._sha_mime[f"{resolver}:{authority}"] = (digest, mime) return True
[docs] def state(self): return FaviconCacheStats(favicons=len(self._data.keys()))
[docs] def maintenance(self, force=False): pass