.. _google engines: ============== Google Engines ============== .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: :backlinks: entry .. _google API: Google API ========== .. _Query Parameter Definitions: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/xml_results#WebSearch_Query_Parameter_Definitions SearXNG's implementation of the Google API is mainly done in :py:obj:`get_google_info `. For detailed description of the *REST-full* API see: `Query Parameter Definitions`_. The linked API documentation can sometimes be helpful during reverse engineering. However, we cannot use it in the freely accessible WEB services; not all parameters can be applied and some engines are more *special* than other (e.g. :ref:`google news engine`). .. _google web engine: Google WEB ========== .. automodule:: searx.engines.google :members: .. _google autocomplete: Google Autocomplete ==================== .. autofunction:: searx.autocomplete.google_complete .. _google images engine: Google Images ============= .. automodule:: searx.engines.google_images :members: .. _google videos engine: Google Videos ============= .. automodule:: searx.engines.google_videos :members: .. _google news engine: Google News =========== .. automodule:: searx.engines.google_news :members: .. _google scholar engine: Google Scholar ============== .. automodule:: searx.engines.google_scholar :members: