Source code for searxng_extra.update.update_locales

#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Update locale names in :origin:`searx/data/locales.json` used by

- :py:obj:`searx.locales.RTL_LOCALES`
- :py:obj:`searx.locales.LOCALE_NAMES`
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Set
import json
from pathlib import Path

import babel
import babel.languages
import babel.core

from searx import searx_dir
from searx.locales import (

LOCALE_DATA_FILE = Path(searx_dir) / 'data' / 'locales.json'
TRANSLATOINS_FOLDER = Path(searx_dir) / 'translations'

def main():

    RTL_LOCALES: Set[str] = set()

    for tag, descr in ADDITIONAL_TRANSLATIONS.items():
        locale = babel.Locale.parse(LOCALE_BEST_MATCH[tag], sep='-')
        LOCALE_NAMES[tag] = descr
        if locale.text_direction == 'rtl':

    for tag in LOCALE_BEST_MATCH:
        descr = LOCALE_NAMES.get(tag)
        if not descr:
            locale = babel.Locale.parse(tag, sep='-')
            LOCALE_NAMES[tag] = get_locale_descr(locale, tag.replace('-', '_'))
            if locale.text_direction == 'rtl':

    for tr_locale in get_translation_locales():
        sxng_tag = tr_locale.replace('_', '-')
        descr = LOCALE_NAMES.get(sxng_tag)
        if not descr:
            locale = babel.Locale.parse(tr_locale)
            LOCALE_NAMES[sxng_tag] = get_locale_descr(locale, tr_locale)
            if locale.text_direction == 'rtl':

    content = {
        "RTL_LOCALES": sorted(RTL_LOCALES),

    with'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(content, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False)

[docs] def get_locale_descr(locale: babel.Locale, tr_locale): """Get locale name e.g. 'Français - fr' or 'Português (Brasil) - pt-BR' :param locale: instance of :py:class:`Locale` :param tr_locale: name e.g. 'fr' or 'pt_BR' (delimiter is *underscore*) """ native_language, native_territory = _get_locale_descr(locale, tr_locale) english_language, english_territory = _get_locale_descr(locale, 'en') if native_territory == english_territory: english_territory = None if not native_territory and not english_territory: # none territory name if native_language == english_language: return native_language return native_language + ' (' + english_language + ')' result = native_language + ', ' + native_territory + ' (' + english_language if english_territory: return result + ', ' + english_territory + ')' return result + ')'
def _get_locale_descr(locale: babel.Locale, tr_locale: str) -> tuple[str, str]: language_name = locale.get_language_name(tr_locale).capitalize() # type: ignore if language_name and ('a' <= language_name[0] <= 'z'): language_name = language_name.capitalize() territory_name: str = locale.get_territory_name(tr_locale) # type: ignore return language_name, territory_name if __name__ == "__main__": main()