Key-Value Results

Typification of the keyvalue results. Results of this type are rendered in the keyvalue.html template.

class searx.result_types.keyvalue.KeyValue(title: str = '', content: str = '', img_src: str = '', thumbnail: str = '', priority: ~typing.Literal['', 'high', 'low'] = '', engines: set[str] = <factory>, open_group: bool = False, close_group: bool = False, positions: list[int] = <factory>, score: float = 0, category: str = '', *, url: str | None = None, template: str = 'keyvalue.html', engine: str | None = '', parsed_url: ~urllib.parse.ParseResult | None = None, kvmap: dict[str, ~typing.Any] | ~collections.OrderedDict[str, ~typing.Any], caption: str = '', key_title: str = '', value_title: str = '')[source]

Bases: MainResult

Simple table view which maps key names (first col) to values (second col).

kvmap: dict[str, Any] | OrderedDict[str, Any]

Dictionary with keys and values. To sort keys, use OrderedDict.

caption: str

Optional caption for this result.

key_title: str

Optional title for the key column.

value_title: str

Optional title for the value column.